Monday, July 11, 2011

Fire Safety

Kiersi’s Kids Preschool
This week we will be learning…

Date: Tuesday, July 12th, 2011 Theme: Fire Safety 1

1. Every home needs a smoke detector, fire extinguisher, and an escape plan to stay safe if there is a fire.
2. A smoke detector warns us of a fire- if we hear it ring we get out of the house.
3. If we have a plan we don't have to be scared.

Learning Centers
CC: Fire Painting
SS: Beans
MM: Fire Fighters in a Row (order concepts: first, second, third, middle, last)
LA: Rhyming (hose, nose, truck, duck, stop, drop, mop, flop, hole, roll, etc)
DP: Firetrucks
Music and Movement: Stop, Drop, and Roll
Outside: Put out the chalk "fires"

Circle Time
Activity: Book- Stop, Drop, and Roll by Margery Cuylor; Fire Drill
Fingerplays: Five Firefighters

Snack: Veggies and Ranch dip and juice

What you can do at home:
Discuss your family's fire escape plan with your child. Show them where the smoke detector and fire extinguisher are.

Date: Thurs, July 14th, 2011 Theme: Fire Safety 2

1. If there is a fire, I get out quick and call 911.
2. The fire department is where the firetrucks are kept and where the firefighters put on their gear.
3. Fire fighters might look scary with all their gear on, but they are safe and are ready to help us.

Learning Centers
CC: Tissue Paper fire and hose
SS: Colored water
MM: Counting Firetrucks
LA: Matching Beginning Sounds
DP: Free play
Music and Movement: ?
Outside: *Field trip!* Walk to the Madison Fire Department for a Tour! Leave at 9:15am and Return at about 10:15.

Circle Time
Activity: Replaced by Field Trip to Fire Department

Snack: Animal Crackers, 1/2 banana, water

What you can do at home: Hold a Safety Tour as suggested on this website:

Resources:;; Living and Learning with Children - 301 activities for children age 3-8