Monday, May 7, 2012

Preschool Dance Lesson Plans

I am going to post Preschool Dance Lesson Plans that my colleagues and I wrote in our Techniques of Teaching Dance class at BYU-Idaho. Each lesson plan uses a theme to teach the three elements of dance to preschoolers- time, energy, and space. These are really fun, cute ideas for encouraging creativity in each individual child and I have successfully used a few of these lesson plans and intend to use all of them. So exciting! I only have hard copies of the lesson plans, so I've been scanning them onto my computer and saving them as jpegs. I don't know how to do it any other way, so if someone else knows how, please post a comment. Otherwise, it will take me a while to post all the lesson plans on here, since I have to do it one page at a time. :(
Flowers Dance 1 of 5 by Kiersi
Flowers Dance 2 of 5 by Kiersi
Flowers Dance 3 of 5 by Kiersi
Flowers Dance 4 of 5 by Kiersi
Flowers Dance 5 of 5 by Kiersi

Monday, July 11, 2011

Fire Safety

Kiersi’s Kids Preschool
This week we will be learning…

Date: Tuesday, July 12th, 2011 Theme: Fire Safety 1

1. Every home needs a smoke detector, fire extinguisher, and an escape plan to stay safe if there is a fire.
2. A smoke detector warns us of a fire- if we hear it ring we get out of the house.
3. If we have a plan we don't have to be scared.

Learning Centers
CC: Fire Painting
SS: Beans
MM: Fire Fighters in a Row (order concepts: first, second, third, middle, last)
LA: Rhyming (hose, nose, truck, duck, stop, drop, mop, flop, hole, roll, etc)
DP: Firetrucks
Music and Movement: Stop, Drop, and Roll
Outside: Put out the chalk "fires"

Circle Time
Activity: Book- Stop, Drop, and Roll by Margery Cuylor; Fire Drill
Fingerplays: Five Firefighters

Snack: Veggies and Ranch dip and juice

What you can do at home:
Discuss your family's fire escape plan with your child. Show them where the smoke detector and fire extinguisher are.

Date: Thurs, July 14th, 2011 Theme: Fire Safety 2

1. If there is a fire, I get out quick and call 911.
2. The fire department is where the firetrucks are kept and where the firefighters put on their gear.
3. Fire fighters might look scary with all their gear on, but they are safe and are ready to help us.

Learning Centers
CC: Tissue Paper fire and hose
SS: Colored water
MM: Counting Firetrucks
LA: Matching Beginning Sounds
DP: Free play
Music and Movement: ?
Outside: *Field trip!* Walk to the Madison Fire Department for a Tour! Leave at 9:15am and Return at about 10:15.

Circle Time
Activity: Replaced by Field Trip to Fire Department

Snack: Animal Crackers, 1/2 banana, water

What you can do at home: Hold a Safety Tour as suggested on this website:

Resources:;; Living and Learning with Children - 301 activities for children age 3-8

Monday, July 4, 2011

This week we will be learning…about Police and Safety!

Date: Tuesday, July 5th, 2011 Theme: Police and Safety

1. Police officers help keep our community safe by helping people follow rules.
2. Following directions helps us in 3 ways: to be safe, to learn, and to have fun.
3. I can follow directions from adults by: looking, listening, and doing it right away.

Learning Centers
CC: Stop sign
SS: Follow picture recipe to make ice cream
MM: Stoplight Color pattern
LA: Finger Tracing Capital Letters in finger paint or shaving cream
DP: Police People and Cars set
Music and Movement: Direction words continued (Over, Under, On, In, Through, Beside, Behind)
Outside: Ice cream in a Can and play Red Light, Green Light and "Police Officer Says" (Simon Says)

Circle Time
Activity: Role play why we follow directions

Snack: Homemade ice cream (Vitamin D milk, sugar, vanilla bean), and strawberries

What you can do at home:
Follow picture directions to build legos or for a recipe- talk about how some things turn out best when we follow directions. Obedience Treasure Hunt: Follow 3 or 4 steps that reveal where the treasure is hidden in your house! (This is a good time to test your child's knowledge of preposition words we learned last week.)

This week we will be learning…about Homes and the Library!

Date: Tuesday, June 28th, 2011 Theme: Homes

1. A home is where I live with my family.
2. There are different rooms in my home for different purposes- a kitchen, bathroom, living room, and bedroom.
3. There are several homes in my community and no two homes are the same.

Learning Centers
CC: Build/draw my home
SS: Playdough letters
MM: Things in my home- categorizing
LA: Opposites and Direction words
DP: Play House!
Music and Movement: Direction words continued (Over, Under, On, In, Through, Beside, Behind)
Outside: Measuring with measuring cups and spoons

Circle Time
Activity: Where do I go? Which room in the house?

Snack: Graham Cracker Houses (with P.B. and raisins) and Milk

What you can do at home:
Gather misplaced items and race to see who can put them in the right spots.
Go on a walk and talk about similarities and differences of the houses you see in your community. Are any of them the same color as yours? How many houses on this block have a red door? Etc…

Date: Thurs, June 30th, 2011 Theme: Library

1. The library is where I can go to borrow books and other things.
2. There are places in the library where everyone speaks softly so we don’t bother people who are studying.
3. The librarian helps me find books and tells great stories at story time.

Learning Centers
CC: Nature Bookmarks
SS: Floating on Air
MM: Page Number Scavenger Hunt
LA: A Book About ME!
DP: Puppets!
Music and Movement: NA
Outside: *Field trip!* Walk to the Library for Preschool Story Time!

Circle Time
Activity: Sharing Lesson- how we borrow books from the library

Snack: Painted Toast and peaches and milk

What you can do at home:
Pretend to check out books to each other.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Medical Procedures, Sick Policy, Field Trips, Visitation and Volunteering Policies

Medical procedures
I am not authorized to give your child medications that require a prescription, so in the event that prescribed medication is needed while your child is at preschool, you will need to come administer it to him/her. A Basic Release Form will need to be signed and submitted if you want me to give any over the counter medication.

Sick policy
If your child is running a fever, has nasal discharge, a flem-producing cough, or is throwing up or has diarrhea, he/she must remain at home. If I see these symptoms after your child has been dropped off at preschool I will phone the parent and the child must be picked up as soon as possible. If I have any of those symptoms, I will cancel preschool for the day.
Field trips
I am planning a few field trips with the preschoolers to various places in the community. A permission slip will be sent home one week before the field trip and parents are invited to come along as a chaperone. There will be a mandatory 3:1 ratio of children to adults for field trips.
Visitation and Volunteering
Visitation during preschool hours is not recommended due to the fact that visitors decrease the children’s ability to focus on the lesson and activities or they may be clingy when their parent is in sight.
Parents are welcome to volunteer any special talents or services for preschool anytime when it is applicable to the theme of the preschool day and when you have notified me that you will be coming. A calendar of upcoming themes will be sent home with your child each week.