Saturday, April 30, 2011

Medical Procedures, Sick Policy, Field Trips, Visitation and Volunteering Policies

Medical procedures
I am not authorized to give your child medications that require a prescription, so in the event that prescribed medication is needed while your child is at preschool, you will need to come administer it to him/her. A Basic Release Form will need to be signed and submitted if you want me to give any over the counter medication.

Sick policy
If your child is running a fever, has nasal discharge, a flem-producing cough, or is throwing up or has diarrhea, he/she must remain at home. If I see these symptoms after your child has been dropped off at preschool I will phone the parent and the child must be picked up as soon as possible. If I have any of those symptoms, I will cancel preschool for the day.
Field trips
I am planning a few field trips with the preschoolers to various places in the community. A permission slip will be sent home one week before the field trip and parents are invited to come along as a chaperone. There will be a mandatory 3:1 ratio of children to adults for field trips.
Visitation and Volunteering
Visitation during preschool hours is not recommended due to the fact that visitors decrease the children’s ability to focus on the lesson and activities or they may be clingy when their parent is in sight.
Parents are welcome to volunteer any special talents or services for preschool anytime when it is applicable to the theme of the preschool day and when you have notified me that you will be coming. A calendar of upcoming themes will be sent home with your child each week.

Parking, Accident Reports, Toileting, Behavior Responding Techniques

When dropping off/picking up your child, you are welcome to park in my front driveway, in the driveway on the side of my house in front of the white fence, or on the side of the street on 1st East.
Accident Reports
In the event that your child has an accident and is injured, I will first care for the child, then call the parent within 24 hours, and fill out an Injury Report Form and send a copy home with you.
Toileting Issues
Your child must be able to identify the need to use the bathroom, have the ability to pull down his/her pants with minimal assistance, and eliminate in the toilet before preschool starts. Each child will be required to bring his/her own complete change of clothing to keep here at preschool in case they have an accident.
Behavior responding techniques
As an IBI (Intensive Behavioral Intervention) therapist, I believe that in regards to behavior problems, I will prevent as much as possible by providing clear expectations and opportunities for children to be successful. I will teach appropriate alternative behaviors through stories, role playing, and modeling. When responding to behavior problems, I will use redirection, structured cool-down, ignoring of mild inappropriate attention-seeking behaviors, and logical and educational consequences only after a warning has been issued. I will never use physical punishment, isolation, or humiliation. Appropriate behaviors will always be rewarded and children will be given opportunities to practice problem-solving skills and coping techniques. A Conflict Resolution form will be filled out at the end of the day and a copy sent home with the parent, letting them know what happened and how it was resolved.

Pick up/drop off times

Each child will need to be dropped off no sooner than 9:00 am for morning class (1pm for afternoon class) and preferably no later than 9:30 am (1:30pm for afternoon class) as this is when we begin circle time and it is distracting to students if others arrive during that time. Children will need to be picked up at 12pm for morning class and 4pm for afternoon class. If you are 8 minutes late or later to pick up your child more than 2 times, I will charge a $5 late pick up fee.

Cancellation of Classes

In the rare event that I have to cancel class, I will notify each parent by making a phone call one hour before class starts. I will only cancel if I am ill or if there is an emergency.

Payment Policy

I will accept cash or check for tuition, which will be due on the first class day of the month. After the first week, there will be a $5 charge per week that tuition is late.
There is a registration/supply fee of $25 per child that must be paid on the first day of preschool. Tuition is $70 per month. If you have more than one child enrolled, there is a sibling discount of $10 per child.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Summer Semester Schedule

Summer Semester Schedule
• June 2011
7First day of school- Tuition due- My 5 Senses Theme – Differences and Similarities (Acceptance of Others)
9 Homes Theme- Emotions
14 School Theme- sharing part 1
16 Library Theme Sharing part 2
21 Police-Coping and how to protect myself
23 Police and Stranger Danger
28 Fire Safety
30 Possible Field trip to Fire Department

• July 2011
5 No school- Holiday break
7 Tuition due Dr. Theme
12 Dentist Theme- Dealing with Change
14 Dentist
19 Grocery Store Theme- Healthy Eating
21 Bakery and Patience Possible Field Trip
26 Post Office Theme- Being a good friend
28 Beauty Salon- Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails
• August 2011
2 Tuition due- Gym and Exercise- Respecting Personal Space
9 Parks and Camping Theme- Good Sportsmanship
11 Possible Field Trip
16 Restaurant/Movie Theatre Theme- Manners
18 Last day of Preschool

Cleaning Procedures

The facility will be thoroughly cleaned each week. All toys will be sanitized with a solution of tea tree essential oil and dish soap and water on a weekly basis. All cleaning supplies will be stored in a locked cabinet.


Teacher’s Qualifications:
• B.S. in Child Development at BYU-Idaho with a minor in dance
• Over 2 years experience as a Dance Instructor for ages 3-18 years
• 1 ½ years experience as a Developmental Therapist
• 3 years experience as an Intensive Behavioral Intervention Therapist
• Infant/Child First Aid and CPR certified